Saturday, June 27, 2015

Here's my attempt at a 'selfie' with Arna.

I took this photo of Arna when I went to visit her in Portland in April.  She died June 24 with her granddaughter, Pilar, next to her after a 6 month diagnosis of lung cancer.  She was 81.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Oh, yes, here are 2 pics from our Vancouver Island trip in May. Top is crossing from Vancouver to Nanaimo on the island.  Bottom is at one of the many lush parks with old growth fir trees.

The pine staub that is coming down after the tree died last year. Don, Gary, and Mike are working on it.  Gary (82 years..) splits the rounds with an ax!!  Not all of them...only the clear ones.  I waxed a 3" round to make a pedestal table in a few years if it does not check.

Murray was up at 5:30 to prepare great ribs..."best ever" was one quote I heard.  Jay did the tritips and Mark did chicken wings..."great food"  for my 75th party.  Thanks guys!

Suzi made my birthday cake velvet with cream frosting and chocolate ganache.  A big hit. Mark is helping with the ganache.