Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Murray Has Left the (School) Building

Murray sat for his final final last night. He thinks he did OK, but not great. The professor has a little grammar trouble, apparently, which can be really important in responding to questions of matters legal. But he got through it, and barring (haha) any freaky expectations on the part of his teacher, will don his tam and hood and receive his Juris Doctor degree come June 8. He'll also achieve one of his lifelong desires: to be officially and accurately addressed as "Doc Cock"--that's as in rooster, of course. We're both still a little dazed with the idea that he won't have to be in school any more. Right now, I think I'm more elated than he is, but I'm sure he'll catch up once he lands a job. (He's still teaching til mid-May, then studying full time until the bar in July...)

1 comment:

elm said...

What an incredible achievement. Congratulations!