Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fire Update

Bay Area fires
Originally uploaded by suzipaw
This is not a photo of a fire anywhere near the Left Coast Clan, let me make that clear. It was in South San Francisco, and pretty scary, even from far away.

Mom writes: "Yes, we are fine, but there is a fire on Mountain View Rd. about a mile from Doolings. The sheriff stopped by to give a warning that we should 'prepare' to evacuate, not evacuate yet. When we went up to Dan and Vicki's Sat. we saw the fire which wasn't very big, but fire fighters and equipment are spread so thin that the fire kept growing. Fortunately, and I knock on wood as I type this, there is very little wind. We don't have smoke either. At this point we are not worried, but I understand that they opened the PA high school gym for us. But everyone on our road that I talked to plans to stay put."

1 comment:

Mark said...

http://www.firefighterblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/california-wildfires-map.html here's a map that shows some of the fires that are happening right now.