Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom!


elm said...

Happy Birthday, sis!

Beautiful picture, Sus.

Mark said...

Wow, if I only knew that you were interested in more pieces. The estate sale down the street had a whole set for less than $300

suzanne said...

Was it the old stuff?

Mark said...

yes, it was our neighbors original china, who just passed away. She was 90 years old. Her kids were liquidating everything in the house. It was like stepping back into the 70s in there. We purchased some of her crochet, glass wear, an antique dresser for $30 and her recliner, which was newer, and not broken in since she was a tiny 80 or so lbs in the end. There was a lot of great stuff.

suzanne said...

Wow, that's a collectible dream come true!