Sunday, November 16, 2008

We know who we are

Ryan broke his foot in Friday while he was trying to kick a metal post out of the ground. Its a hairline fracture of the second-smallest toe. We were concerned about about damage to the growth plate, but it appears to be fine. Ryan's reaction to the x-ray results - "Cool, now I really have something good for Show-n-tell on Monday."


bren said...

Ouch! Does it hurt??

K2 said...

Ow! I'm not sure that's what kamala! had in mind.

elm said...

Sorry Ryan!! That must hurt a lot!! Do they put anything on it to keep it from moving so it can heal?

Mark said...

Mark's so funny. Ry wasn't trying to kick a post out of the ground. One of the kids thought it would be funny to get the sidewalk wet, which made it slippery. Ry came running around the corner, slipped, then jammed his toe into a post. We took him into get checked and they didn't see anything on the x-ray, however we received a call the next day that the radiologist looked over his x-ray and we need to come back to be fitted for a hard soled walking shoe. We've been wrapping it in herbal plaster, taping his two toes together, and he's been wearing the shoe. I'll have him post about the pain and how it was at share time today. He also wore his new shirt at share day: "homework kills trees, it must be stopped." He's having fun at school.

Mark said...

Yah, kind of, not that much. They gave me a special shoe that makes a really loud noise when you stomp. Share day was good. People really wanted to know how it happened and they thought my shirt was funny.

Kamala! said...

That does look painful! Ry-you have a very handlike foot.