Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Horrors of horrors! the munckins!

Yesterday when I went into the garden one of the rose bushes looked like it had a hair cut, but I wasn't sure. This morning I was sure. The leaves of the rose bushes were stripped, the sugar peas gone, the lettuce and strawberries nibbled, and my green beans were munched. I had had such a delicious meal last night of fresh potatoes and green beans (with lots of butter)....so good. Can you see where plants are munched? This is not good.


elm said...

Dreadful! It must have been a largish animal to do that much damage so fast. I have a huge collection of Japanese Beetles in soapy water, but they eat slowly.

I am doing battle with the mice again. They seem to learn, then the next generation gets caught, and they stop visiting for awhile.

I saw another animal, rather cute one, in my compost bin. It looked mouse like, but bigger. Yeah, now what do I do. Those traps look lethal, I mean to me they could be lethal.

Kamala! said...

It's probs a rat, Mom! Jim was home from work today and commented that we live in an urbsn environment cuz we have a new McMansion being built behind us forever, construction on the house across the street, and a tear down a few doors down. It's noisy!

elm said...

I know it was a rat!

How is the darling baby, how about a week 3 or is it 4 Picture?

Kamala! said...

OK, guys, this was posted on Sept. 22nd. Time for something new! How about pictures of MYla and Ryan?!

Mark said...

no way! When ever I hold mila for a picture I always feel embarrassed!!!